110 results found
Department Chair, Faculty
Department Chair, Allan H. Markowitz Endowed Chair in Astronomy, Professor of Astronomy and Physics (Courtesy), University Distinguished Scholar
4055 McPherson Laboratory
Vice Chairs, Faculty
Henry L. Cox Professor of Astronomy, Vice Chair for Administration
4025 McPherson Laboratory
College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Astronomy, Vice Chair for Instrumentation
4067 McPherson Laboratory
College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Director of the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP)
M2004 Physics Research Building
Thomas Jefferson Professor for Discovery and Space Exploration, University Distinguished Scholar
4005 McPherson Laboratory
Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University Distinguished Scholar
M2010 Physics Research Building
Research Faculty
Affiliated Faculty
Director, Arne Slettebak OSU Planetarium, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Asst. Professor
4057 McPherson Lab