The Ohio State University Department of Astronomy offers an excellent Bachelor of Science degree in Astronomy and Astrophysics. This program provides superb preparation for students who plan to pursue graduate study and become professional astronomers and astrophysicists, as well as a diverse array of other graduate and professional programs.
Our students obtain a strong background in physics and applied mathematics, and take courses in programming and data analysis, in addition to topics in modern astrophysics. The recommended curriculum includes a complete list of the required courses and various options for electives. This coursework teaches important critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as the mathematical, statistical, and programming methods that are at the heart of most technical fields. Many graduates of our program have pursued graduate research in astronomy or physics, and many others have pursued a variety of careers including software development, data science and analytics, science writing, research scientist positions in industry, and secondary education.
Students often get involved in undergraduate research, either in astronomy and astrophysics, or in a related department such as physics, chemistry, and math. Our faculty are very active researchers, and most work with undergraduate students (and graduate students) on research projects, in addition to teaching classes. The best way to get involved with research in the department is through our Summer Undergraduate Research Program. There are also numerous other opportunities to conduct research at other departments and observatories around the country and even around the world.
There are also many other ways to get involved with the activities in the Department of Astronomy. One great way is through our morning Astro Coffee which meets daily at 10:30 AM in 4054 McPherson. There is also a weekly Astronomy Colloquium, a weekly Center for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (CCAPP) seminar, activities organized by the undergraduate Astronomical Society, a public lecture series, and many other events. Please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies or Astronomy Undergraduate Academic Advisor if you are interested in a major or minor in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The Ohio State Astronomical Society at the Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia in Spring 2017. The "O" in OHIO is the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT), the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope.