Instruments and Projects

A diffraction-limited high-resolution NIR spectrograph under development for the Large Binocular Telescope.

SDSS Robotic Focal Plane Systems (FPS)
The Focal Plane System (FPS) units for SDSS-V replace the traditional Sloan Survey hand-plugged fiber plates with 500 robotic fiber positioners.

Multi-Object Double Spectrographs (MODS)
The Multi-Object Double Spectrographs (or MODS) are two facility UV-to-Near IR spectrographs for the Large Binocular Telescope.

GSpec is a technology demonstration of the dual-aperture fiber nuller.

DESI Sky Continuum Montitor
The DESI Sky Continuum Monitor System tracks the night sky brightness to dynamically adjust exposure times to maximize DESI observing efficiency.

DESI Commissioning Instrument
The DESI Commissioning Instrument jump-started commissioning of DESI by completing many critical on telescope tests before DESI was installed in 2019.

DEdicated MONitor of EXotransits and Transients (DEMONEXT)
DEMONEXT was a 20-inch (0.5-m) robotic telescope designed for photometric monitoring of exoplanets and transient sources.

Korean Microlensing Telescope Network Cameras (KMTCam)
The three KMTNet prime focus CCD cameras are dedicated to gravitational microlensing searches for exoplanets on custom-designed 1.6m telescopes.

KPNO/CTIO Ohio State Multi-Object Spectrographs (K/COSMOS)
The Kitt Peak/CTIO Ohio State Multi-Object Spectrographs (K/COSMOS) are modified versions of the OSMOS spectrograph for the 4-m Mayall and Blanco telescopes.