Research Events

Astronomy Colloquia are held most Thursdays during the Autumn and Spring semesters and review the latest astronomical research by visiting scholars. For more information on topics, time, and location, see the Astronomy Colloquium page and Astronomy Colloquium schedule.

Astro Coffee
Get your morning dose of caffeine & join in the lively discussion of the latest astronomical results at Astro Coffee. Held each morning at 10:30am in McPherson 4054. See the Astro Coffee Page for more information.

Seminars & Research Talks
The Department of Astronomy and the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP) host a number of seminars and talks. These include the CCAPP Seminar, Cosmology Lunch and Astroparticle Lunch, and talks held as part of group meetings.
Research Events

Astronomy Colloquia are held most Thursdays during the Autumn and Spring semesters and review the latest astronomical research by visiting scholars. For more information on topics, time, and location, see the Astronomy Colloquium page and Astronomy Colloquium schedule.

Astro Coffee
Get your morning dose of caffeine & join in the lively discussion of the latest astronomical results at Astro Coffee. Held each morning at 10:30am in McPherson 4054. See the Astro Coffee Page for more information.

Seminars & Research Talks
The Department of Astronomy and the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP) host a number of seminars and talks. These include the CCAPP Seminar, Cosmology Lunch and Astroparticle Lunch, and talks held as part of group meetings.
Other Department Events

Diversity Journal Club
Diversity Journal Club (or DJC) is typically held biweekly on Thursdays during the academic semesters, at 12:30 PM via Zoom and in-person in McPherson 4054. It can take on a variety of formats from discussions, presentations, or reading ahead of a larger discussion. Topics are broadly related to diversity and inclusion led by department members or visitors.

Astronomy and CCAPP Group Meetings
Astronomy and CCAPP host a number of group meetings about topics in astronomy. Members of the department should feel free to contact the seminar organizers about Zoom information to attend and get access to other collaborative tools.

Astronomy Tea
While Astro Coffee discusses academic topics, students, postdocs, and faculty members need an opportunity to discuss interdisciplinary topics, and broader ideas that foster the development of innovative ideas. Astro Tea enables such a discussion topics. This hour-long open event happens every Friday at 3:30pm with snacks, tea, and casual interaction and conversations either in the Astronomy Main Conference Room, or hosted by CCAPP.

Astro Café
Astro Café is a Spanish-language version of Astro Coffee. It takes place on Mondays at 2:00 pm on Zoom and in-person at Ohio State in 4030 McPherson Lab.
Other Department Events

Diversity Journal Club
Diversity Journal Club (or DJC) is typically held biweekly on Thursdays during the academic semesters, at 12:30 PM via Zoom and in-person in McPherson 4054. It can take on a variety of formats from discussions, presentations, or reading ahead of a larger discussion. Topics are broadly related to diversity and inclusion led by department members or visitors.

Astronomy and CCAPP Group Meetings
Astronomy and CCAPP host a number of group meetings about topics in astronomy. Members of the department should feel free to contact the seminar organizers about Zoom information to attend and get access to other collaborative tools.

Astronomy Tea
While Astro Coffee discusses academic topics, students, postdocs, and faculty members need an opportunity to discuss interdisciplinary topics, and broader ideas that foster the development of innovative ideas. Astro Tea enables such a discussion topics. This hour-long open event happens every Friday at 3:30pm with snacks, tea, and casual interaction and conversations either in the Astronomy Main Conference Room, or hosted by CCAPP.

Astro Café
Astro Café is a Spanish-language version of Astro Coffee. It takes place on Mondays at 2:00 pm on Zoom and in-person at Ohio State in 4030 McPherson Lab.
Events for the Public

Public Talks & Events
The Department of Astronomy actively engages the wider community with astronomy through public lectures, planetarium shows, telescope viewing nights, visits to schools, and other public events both on and off the OSU campus. Find out more about our public activities.

Arne Slettebak Planetarium
The Arne Slettebak OSU Planetarium offers a number of public programs throughput the OSU academic year. Find out more about the planetarium.
Events for the Public

Public Talks & Events
The Department of Astronomy actively engages the wider community with astronomy through public lectures, planetarium shows, telescope viewing nights, visits to schools, and other public events both on and off the OSU campus. Find out more about our public activities.

Arne Slettebak Planetarium
The Arne Slettebak OSU Planetarium offers a number of public programs throughput the OSU academic year. Find out more about the planetarium.