Instruments and Projects
DESI Commissioning Instrument
The DESI Commissioning Instrument jump-started commissioning of DESI by completing many critical on telescope tests before DESI was installed in 2019.
DEdicated MONitor of EXotransits and Transients (DEMONEXT)
DEMONEXT was a 20-inch (0.5-m) robotic telescope designed for photometric monitoring of exoplanets and transient sources.
The DEdicated MONitor of EXotransits (DEMONEX)
DEMONEX was a 20-inch robotic telescope for dedicated exoplanet transit monitoring.
Buckeye 12-position Filter Wheels
The ISL built three copies of our 12-position "Buckeye" automated filter wheel for use at CTIO and MDM between 2003 and 2008.
Yale 1m 4K CCD Camera (Y4KCam)
Y4KCam was a wide-field CCD imager and filter wheel system deployed on the CTIO Yale 1-m telescope for the SMARTS project.
RETROCAM was an auxiliary CCD camera that could be rapidly inserted into the optical beam of the MDM 2.4 m telescope to enable concurrent synoptic observing.
DANDICAM is the clone of ANDICAM built for the Dutch ASTRON agency and used at the SAAO 1m from 1999 to 2004.
A Novel Dual Imaging CAMera (ANDICAM)
ANDICAM was the first 2-channel instrument built by the ISL and operated for 21 years at CTIO taking millions of CCD and IR images.
TIFKAM was OSU's second IR instrument, its name means The Instrument Formerly Known as MOSAIC.