Instruments and Projects
Ohio State Multi-Object Spectrograph (OSMOS)
The Ohio State Multi-Object Spectrograph (OSMOS) is the workhorse facility optical spectrograph at MDM.
LBT f/15 Rigid Secondary Mirror
The LBT f/15 Rigid Secondary Mirror enabled the LBT's MODS and LUCI facility instruments to get on sky before the adaptive secondary mirrors arrived.
The DEdicated MONitor of EXotransits (DEMONEX)
DEMONEX was a 20-inch robotic telescope for dedicated exoplanet transit monitoring.
Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT)
KELT, OSU's first fully-robotic telescope, eventually discovered 26 transiting exoplanets around bright stars.
LBT Primary Mirror Aluminization System
The LBT Primary Mirror Aluminization system is used to put a fresh aluminum coating on the LBT's 8.4-meter diameter primary mirrors.
Buckeye 12-position Filter Wheels
The ISL built three copies of our 12-position "Buckeye" automated filter wheel for use at CTIO and MDM between 2003 and 2008.
Yale 1m 4K CCD Camera (Y4KCam)
Y4KCam was a wide-field CCD imager and filter wheel system deployed on the CTIO Yale 1-m telescope for the SMARTS project.
RETROCAM was an auxiliary CCD camera that could be rapidly inserted into the optical beam of the MDM 2.4 m telescope to enable concurrent synoptic observing.
CCD Camera Systems
OSU built a number of custom and commercial CCD camera systems for observatories on four continents.