April 26, 2022
Roof of Smith Lab (above the planetarium entrance, room 5033)
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2022-04-26 13:00:00
2022-04-26 15:00:00
equiTEA Grad and Undergrad Social Mixer
equiTEA* - Celebrating Women/LGBTQ+/POC in Physics & Astronomy
Grad-Undergrad Social Mixer. All allies are invited too! Come get to know someone new, enjoy FREE food, and more!
Where: The rooftop of Smith Lab
When: April 26th 2pm-4pm
For questions and/or accommodations, email Elvira Cruz-Cruz at cruz-cruz.1@osu.edu.
Roof of Smith Lab (above the planetarium entrance, room 5033)
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2022-04-26 14:00:00
2022-04-26 16:00:00
equiTEA Grad and Undergrad Social Mixer
equiTEA* - Celebrating Women/LGBTQ+/POC in Physics & Astronomy
Grad-Undergrad Social Mixer. All allies are invited too! Come get to know someone new, enjoy FREE food, and more!
Where: The rooftop of Smith Lab
When: April 26th 2pm-4pm
For questions and/or accommodations, email Elvira Cruz-Cruz at cruz-cruz.1@osu.edu.
Roof of Smith Lab (above the planetarium entrance, room 5033)
equiTEA* - Celebrating Women/LGBTQ+/POC in Physics & Astronomy
Grad-Undergrad Social Mixer. All allies are invited too! Come get to know someone new, enjoy FREE food, and more!
Where: The rooftop of Smith Lab
When: April 26th 2pm-4pm
For questions and/or accommodations, email Elvira Cruz-Cruz at cruz-cruz.1@osu.edu.