Join in person
Please join us each morning at 10:30 AM on weekdays for Astro Coffee! Astro Coffee is an informal morning free-for-all where students, postdocs, and faculty debate up-to-the-minute astronomical developments. Pets and children are welcome on Zoom!
Astro Coffee is currently being conducted in a hybrid manner in 4054 McPherson and CarmenZoom (zoom meeting). If you are a guest of the department, a student, or want to experience Astro Coffee for the first time, we strongly encourage you to come in person. Of course, only attend in person if you feel comfortable doing so and are feeling healthy (follow the rules on the Safe and Healthy Buckeyes website).
If you want to join via Zoom and don't know the Zoom password, please email someone you know in the department to ask. If you are unsure who to ask, please introduce yourself and ask by emailing astronomy@osu.edu. If you are requesting captions or other accommodations, please contact us so we can meet your needs.
What do we discuss at Astro Coffee?
Discussions are drawn primarily from the most recent papers posted on the Astrophysics e-Print archive, or from recent colloquium talks. We also occasionally deconstruct astronomy articles appearing in the public press ("Our source was the New York Times"), receive reports from recent scientific meetings, and extract added value from visiting colleagues and those in neighboring departments.
Have a paper you want to discuss
If you have a message for the coffee organizers about a paper or visitor, please send an email to coffee@astronomy.ohio-state.edu. An email to this address will send a message to all the organizers and is also the best way to indicate you would like to discuss a paper or introduce a visitor for value added.
Add a paper to the holdover list
For papers you would like to discuss but would like the discussion delayed, please add them to the holdover list so they can be discussed at a future Astro Coffee.
Daily Brew: How To
Running Coffee?
If you are running coffee today, you can find the coffee guidelines in the Department of Astronomy MS Teams. The scripts for running coffee to update the daily brew can be found under local access.
The Daily Brew
Today's selection of fresh astro-ph abstracts.
OSU Astro Coffee Briefs
Brief video presentations by OSU students of their astro-ph papers on our YouTube Channel.
The Daily Brew Archive
[Almost] daily picks since 2003.
Coffee Holdover Papers
Papers that we want to discuss at a later date.

Beverage Instructions
Fresh-brewed coffee, tea, sugar, artificial sweetener, and tiny cups of real dairy creamer from actual cows (plus tiny cups of nameless non-dairy pseudo-cream-like processed-pasteurized food product from chemical vats for those who insist on it) are provided. Please BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug).
Drinkers of other beverages, caffeinated or otherwise, are always welcome.