David Zach

David Zach

David Zach

Undergraduate Academic Advisor


(614) 292-1358

4012 McPherson Laboratory (Astronomy) / 1140 Physics Research Building (Physics)
140 W 18th Avenue / 191 W Woodruff Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210

Google Map

Office Hours

Autumn 2024 Schedule:

30-minute Appointments:
Generally available on weekdays between 9:30am and 4:30pm US Eastern Time.
Appointments can be scheduled through OnCourse at go.osu.edu/oncourse

Drop-in Advising:
-Thursdays, 1:30-4:00pm, Zoom or in 4012 McPherson
Zoom room: go.osu.edu/meetwithdavid

Express Advising:
Week 1 (August 19-23):
-Aug 20 (Tuesday), 9:30am-noon
(Zoom or 1140 PRB)
-Jan 10 (Wednesday), 9:30am-noon
(Zoom or 1140 PRB)
-Jan 11 (Thursday), 1:30-4:00pm
(Zoom or 4012 McPherson)
-Jan 12 (Friday), 1:30-4:00pm
(Zoom or 4012 McPherson)

Week 10 (October 21-25): TBD

Areas of Expertise

  • Academic Advising, Astronomy & Astrophysics and Physics


  • B.S. in Mathematics - Kent State University, 2011
  • M.A. in Mathematics - The Pennsylvania State University, 2013

I am an Academic Advisor for the Astronomy & Astrophysics and Physics majors in the College of Arts and Sciences. Currently, I work with all Astronomy & Astrophysics majors and minors, all Physics majors who have not yet taken Physics 2095 and 2300, and all double majors between Astronomy & Astrophysics and Physics. I also advise for the Planetary Science certificate.

I have been advising at The Ohio State University since 2019. Formerly, I taught mathematics courses and was an academic advisor for pre-health and science students at Penn State University. In my free time, I enjoy singing with the Columbus Symphony Chorus and playing board games with my husband and friends.


Autumn 2024 Advising Schedule:

Advising appointments are available both online through CarmenZoom and in-person on the Columbus campus. Instructions on how to access Zoom can be found below. David can be contacted in the following ways:

  • By email at zach.11@osu.edu. Emails will be read and responded to during regular business hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm US Eastern Time, with the exception of university holidays.
  • Drop-in Advising: Drop-in Advising is for quick questions that students anticipate will take 10 minutes or fewer to discuss. No appointment is necessary - just stop by if you have a question! Access my Zoom room through the "Zoom Instructions" listed below.
    • Thursdays, 1:30-4:00pm US Eastern Time, via Zoom or in-person in 4012 McPherson
  • Express Drop-in Advising: Express Advising sessions are additional drop-ins that will be offered during times of the semester when there is high demand for academic advising. No appointment is necessary. Access my Zoom room through the "Zoom Instructions" listed below.
    • Week 1 (August 19-23):
      • Tuesday, August 20, 9:30am-12:00pm noon - Zoom or in-person in 1140 PRB
      • Wednesday, August 21, 9:30am-12:00pm noon - Zoom or in-person in 1140 PRB
      • Thursday, August 22, 1:30-4:00pm - Zoom or in-person in 4012 McPherson
      • Friday, August 23, 1:30-4:00pm - Zoom or in-person in 4012 McPherson
    • Week 10 (October 21-25): TBD
  • 30-minute Appointments (virtual or in-person): In general, I am available for appointments between 9:30am and 4:30pm US Eastern Time on weekdays where the university is open. All appointments must be scheduled through the university's scheduling and notes system, OnCourse. Appointments can be scheduled through my personal advising link (PAL).

  • Notes for scheduling appointments in OnCourse:
    • Choose "Astronomy and Astrophysics Advising Office" for the location
    • For the "Service", choose the reason why you would like to make an appointment. Be sure to double check whether you are choosing an "in-person" or "phone/remote" appointment
      • If I am not currently your assigned advisor, but you would like to discuss adding an Astronomy & Astrophysics major or minor or a Planetary Science Certificate, then you will need to select "Explore/Declare a Major" or "Explore/Declare a Minor" for the service.
    • Appointments must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance
    • Availability for in-person appointments may be limited due to my work location schedule listed above. If you cannot find an in-person appointment on a particular day, try scheduling a phone/remote appointment instead.
    • If you require an appointment time outside of my normal working hours or if you are not currently an active student in OnCourse, please email me to set up an appointment.
    • A video tutorial on how to schedule an appointment in OnCourse can be found here.
    • You will receive a confirmation email after registering for the appointment and again 24 hours before the appointment with instructions on where the appointment will be located (in-person) or how to access my Zoom room (phone/remote).

Zoom Instructions:

You must sign in with your OSU credentials to access my Zoom meeting room. The room can be accessed either through a Zoom app, a web browser (with plug-in), or by phone:

Before clicking the link below, make sure you are authenticated with your OSU credentials using Single Sign-On (SSO):

If accessing Zoom from a web browser:

  1. Go to https://zoom.osu.edu
  2. Click "SIGN IN" and log in with your OSU credentials
  3. Click the link below to join or click "Join Meeting" and enter the Meeting ID and Password manually

If accessing Zoom from a computer or mobile app:

  1. Open the Zoom app
  2. Click "Sign In" (do NOT click "Join Meeting")
  3. Click "Sign in with SSO" (do NOT enter your email and password)
  4. type in "osu" so that the domain name reads: osu.zoom.us and click Continue
  5. You should be redirected to an OSU login page. Enter your OSU credentials and sign in
  6. Click the link below to join or click "Join Meeting" and enter the Meeting ID and Password manually

The following URL will open the Zoom meeting room via the browser plug-in or app go.osu.edu/meetwithdavid
Meeting ID: 478 334 1073
Password: 423474

Or, you can call into the meeting using a phone: +1 646-876-9923 (works best from the Eastern US), then use the Meeting ID and password listed above
If you are not in the Eastern US, you can find your local number to use to call here: https://osu.zoom.us/u/adOMw9OaA0

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