The Friends of Ohio State Astronomy & Astrophysics (FOSAA) are supporters of our public outreach, education, and research missions. FOSAA is a joint initiative of the Department of Astronomy and the Center for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (CCAPP). It began in 2016 and has continued twice a year since. It has featured talks from world-renowned scientists at Ohio State as well as excellent students and postdocs beginning their professional careers.
Membership in FOSAA is free. We encourage alumni, current students, and any members of the university and central Ohio communities to join us in exploring the frontiers of the universe.
To be added to the FOSAA email list and receive announcements of our FOSAA events, as well as public lectures and other news, please contact us via email.
Donations to support our public outreach, education, and research missions are warmly appreciated. Please visit this OSU Giving page to contribute -- thank you!
FOSAA sponsors two major events per year that feature an exclusive show in the spectacular Arne Slettebak Planetarium and several short talks by Ohio State researchers, who will describe recent discoveries at the frontiers of their fields, at a level accessible to all.
Following these presentations, an informal lunch with Ohio State faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and students will give you the chance to ask all of your questions about planets, stars, galaxies, and the universe, and to learn more about astronomy and astrophysics research at Ohio State.
Other events that may be of interest to FOSAA members can be found here.