Aurorae, Eclipses, and Comets, Oh My!
We are pleased to announce the Autumn 2024 FOSAA Event for Sunday, October 27, at 1 pm, in McPherson 1000. The talks will focus on solar activity and its connection to the Earth. After the talks, we will feature chats with astronomers as usual, have our solar telescope out, you can help make a comet, and we will play Solar Superstorms in the Arne Slettebak Planetarium for those who have not seen it before.
The afternoon starts with some 15 minute presentations about the sky phenomena in McPherson Lab 1000.
Todd Thompson: From Solar Explosions to Aurorae
Rick Pogge: Visitors from the Ice Realm
Amanda Ash: It’s Alive! Activity in other stars
Click here to Register on Qualtrics.
Eclipse Redux and Aurora Pictures
To celebrate the coolest things many of us have seen in 2024, we are asking alumni and friends to share eclipse and aurora pictures with us. We are working on a form and upload for you to share your greatest eclipse photo, or amazing aurora pictures from 2024. Click here to submit a photo on Qualtrics.
Image Credit: Fir0002/Flagstaffotos