New Frontiers with N-Point Statistics of Large-Scale Structures
Galaxy redshift survey allows us to map the expansion history and measure the growth rate of cosmic structure. We have gained a lot of insights into the cosmological model by analyzing the two-point statistics of galaxies' 3-dimensional distribution. Gravitational evolution induces nonlinearities in the late-time large-scale structure. Information that was fully captured by the two-point statistics at the early times gets spread into higher-order statistics. Hence, though current standard cosmological analyses have focused on two-point statistics, higher-order statistics consequently help further to tighten constraints and break parameter degeneracies. In this talk, I will discuss the cosmological results from the SDSS eBOSS. I will also present our recent progress on the higher-order statistics, including an analytical Gaussian covariance matrix formalism, a first detection of the 4-point correlation function from nonlinear structure formation, and layout space out our ideas for using the NPCF to probe fundamental physics in the future.