September 30, 2021
In Person & Online: Chem & Biomolecular Eng & Chem (CBEC) - Room 130; Zoom Webinar
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2021-09-30 15:00:00
2021-09-30 16:00:00
Astronomy Colloquium - Anna Ijjas
New Frontiers in Fundamental Cosmology
During the past forty years, astrophysical cosmology has seen remarkable advances. The standard ΛCDM model provides a simple and elegant description of the large-scale evolution during the hot expansion phase. Yet, fundamental cosmology is far from being done. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of unsettled issues and novel approaches that are opening up many exciting research opportunities.
Speaker: Anna Ijjas, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
In Person & Online: Chem & Biomolecular Eng & Chem (CBEC) - Room 130; Zoom Webinar
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2021-09-30 15:00:00
2021-09-30 16:00:00
Astronomy Colloquium - Anna Ijjas
New Frontiers in Fundamental Cosmology
During the past forty years, astrophysical cosmology has seen remarkable advances. The standard ΛCDM model provides a simple and elegant description of the large-scale evolution during the hot expansion phase. Yet, fundamental cosmology is far from being done. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of unsettled issues and novel approaches that are opening up many exciting research opportunities.
Speaker: Anna Ijjas, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
In Person & Online: Chem & Biomolecular Eng & Chem (CBEC) - Room 130; Zoom Webinar
New Frontiers in Fundamental Cosmology
During the past forty years, astrophysical cosmology has seen remarkable advances. The standard ΛCDM model provides a simple and elegant description of the large-scale evolution during the hot expansion phase. Yet, fundamental cosmology is far from being done. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of unsettled issues and novel approaches that are opening up many exciting research opportunities.