FOSAA Public Talk: Hearing the Stars

Stars and their sound waves. Image credit: NASA/Gabriel Perez Diaz/Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
March 26, 2025
8:00PM - 9:00PM
Fontana Laboratory, Room 1000

Date Range
2025-03-26 20:00:00 2025-03-26 21:00:00 FOSAA Public Talk: Hearing the Stars Speaker: Dr. Lars BildstenDr. Lars Bildsten is a world-renowned expert in how stars work.  In this free public talk, he discusses how astronomers can use sound waves passing through stars to learn what lies beneath the stellar surface.Dr. Lars Bildsten is the Director of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Frederick W. Gluck Chair in Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.Free and aimed at the public! No registration needed. Fontana Laboratory, Room 1000 America/New_York public

Speaker: Dr. Lars Bildsten

Dr. Lars Bildsten is a world-renowned expert in how stars work.  In this free public talk, he discusses how astronomers can use sound waves passing through stars to learn what lies beneath the stellar surface.

Dr. Lars Bildsten is the Director of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Frederick W. Gluck Chair in Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Free and aimed at the public! No registration needed.

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