The dynamical zoo of star formation
The era of Gaia has brought a revolution in understanding how star-forming complexes form and evolve over time. It is now possible to assemble a comprehensive census of members of young associations spanning all ages and to not only compare younger populations with their more evolved counterparts but also to directly observe their current dynamical state. This makes it possible to make a model of their 3d structure, to determine what physical processes were responsible for shaping their morphology, as well as to analyze their eventual fate. I will present an overview of some of the efforts of disentangling the star-forming history in some of the individual nearby associations as well as in the Solar Neighborhood as a whole.
Speaker: Marina Kounkel, Vanderbilt University
We will be having a virtual colloquium on Thursday at 3:00. We will be projecting the talk on the big screen in CBEC 130 for those who wish to join.